5G – Coronavirus Briefing 27 May 2020

> *One more edition of the 5G – Coronavirus Briefing, 27 May 2020*
> */(this may be the last – let’s see …)/*
> *(Note that you can use Control + F to search through the /Briefing/.
> You do not need to read everything or go to the links. The intention
> is to provide an overview of what is happening, so you can read just
> the title of a piece, or you can read a brief summary, or in the case
> of important articles, you may wish to read the whole article.  I hope
> that it is particularly useful for electrohypersensitive readers, who
> can read the PDF offline.)*
> */Conditioning the public for the New World Order and obedience during
> “the second wave”/*
> */Operation Covid-19.jpg/*
> */This Briefing continues the story of hoax, censorship, physical and
> psychological intimidation, and social engineering to condition the
> public to accept the New World Order.  Children are going back to
> school, where they are forced to social distance and stand in squares
> and crosses in playgrounds, and damage their health wearing useless
> but mandatory masks.  The conditioning is now becoming overt on all
> sides as stooges and cronies such as Prince Charles step forward to
> tell us how the world should be post-Covid, after the deliberately
> orchestrated destruction of the world economy.  Everything is now in
> place for the “second wave” planned for the autumn, when the real
> depopulation cull is slated to take place, now that 5G has been fully
> rolled out unhindered during the unjustified imprisonment of
> populations when no one died of coronavirus except those with numbers
> of pre-existing health conditions./*
> * *The /Briefing/ begins with the usual section on doctorsand other
> experts refuting the “coronavirus”**hoax pandemic.*
> * *The section on Action lists a new initiative for 20-21 June to
> encourage everyone to cancel their cell or mobile phone.  If
> people don’t understand yet that their phone is killing and
> mind-controlling them, and is now going to be used to help
> imprison them and forcibly remove their family members, they are
> not paying attention.  There is an initiative to oppose the US
> HR6666 Bill (what a giveaway in that name!), a proposal to invoke
> Magna Carta and restore Common Law now that we have the collapse
> of the rule of law across the planet, and two legal actions in the
> UK that need financial support.  Resistance movements are popping
> up in Austria and Germany, and a White House petition against the
> Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation needs supporting.  (A word to
> the wise: if it is not clear who is launching a petition or
> initiative, it is best to stay clear of it.*)
> * *The AI / Mind Controlsection explains the “Alice in Wonderland”
> technique, helping readers understand how public confusion is
> deliberately engineered in order to disorientate, disempower and
> control.  The section also provides an antidote to promote
> autonomy and psychological independence.*
> * *The Analysissection offers powerful and surprising insights from,
> for example, Dr Klinghardt on what’s really going on here, delves
> into the World Health Organization with Charlene Bollinger, has
> Bibi Baachus explaining the Uniform Commercial Code & Common Law,
> and****provides links to the** **Plandemic documentary with Judy
> Mikovits in various languages.*******
> * *The Big Picture / Overviewsection provides some essential viewing
> and reading in order to understand exactly who is behind what is
> going on, what it really amounts to, how it developed and what its
> aims really are.  Everyone needs to understand what is really
> happening in order to put a stop to it before we head into
> extinction as a species.  It is the darkest picture any of us
> could have imagined facing, but face it we must if we want to
> survive.*
> * *Something else we need urgently to understand is that this whole
> universe is electrical, including everything around us and our
> bodies.  We saturate the planet with alien microwave radiation at
> our peril.  **A new book called The */*Electric Ecosystem*/*opens
> the door to the electric life of the natural world. It is a
> scientifically substantiated introduction to the unseen energy
> dimensions of humans, animals, plants and the earth.*
> * *From the section on Censorship, we learn that NGOs such as
> Greenpeace (as well as most if not all institutions) have all long
> been co-opted and we bang our heads against a brick wall thinking
> that they will respond to our concerns.  We need to put our energy
> into establishing and funding groups that actually do represent
> out interests – and defunding those that don’t.*
> * *The Commentsection provides a number of interesting insights into
> our current predicament: the Beast system; the patriarchy; where
> are all the dead?; social engineering children in schools with
> fearmongering, social distancing and masks; the cruelty of health
> officials; who’s really in charge of all this; and a new virus
> called “the waking up flu”.*
> * *The Conspiracysection illuminates the entities behind all of this
> and discusses why we keep hearing about “a second wave”, marvels
> at the uniqueness of this amazing virus, looks at population
> control, who is profiting while the rest of us suffer, embarks on
> a new examination of Bill Gates, and underlines the fact that this
> is a global conspiracy and people in each country must understand
> that in order to understand the scale of the threat we face. 
> There is a piece on the misery of “the new normal” for anyone
> wanting to continue flying, the President of Madagascar exposes
> the corruption at the heart of WHO, which is funded by You Know
> Who, of course (Bill Gates, for anyone who has been inhabiting a
> cave for the last three months).  Also exposed: satanic thinking
> and corporatist putsch.*
> * *The Police Statesection brings us more of the joys of “the new
> normal” of state imprisonment of citizens and enforcement by
> fascist police forces, permanent surveillance, the end of privacy,
> contact tracing, immunity cards.  One UK journalist has just
> realised that we are facing the end of liberty.  Well done him! 
> Where are the others? *
> * *The Covidiotic(or humour) section is relatively short in this
> /Briefing/, as the madness has really expanded to take in the
> entire newsletter and the whole world!  Has it spread outwards to
> encompass the universe, perhaps??*
> * *Back to surreality with the section on Crimes Against Humanity,
> which shows how the very old and very young are being targeted. 
> An article discusses whether old people in care homes were
> actually targeted first for deletion.  And as children are finally
> allowed to go back to school, as long as they wear masks, at least
> in Austria, they have to stand on chalk marks on the ground and
> hide behind carboard barriers around their desks in order to
> “social distance”.  A picture of a mask-wearing teacher pointing
> at the ground while telling a tiny tot to stand on a chalk mark
> should go on the wall of the fascist hall of shame. The teacher
> should be banned from human contact forever.  Another one to be
> shot off to Mars in one of Musk’s space ships once we’re rounded
> up all the maniacs!*
> * *Guess what the Depopulationsection discusses!  And there is
> plenty more Disinformationto be had in the section of that name,
> revealing the conspirators behind it.*
> * *Dissent**is satisfactorily manifesting in many different ways in
> many different countries: in Germany police officers were ignoring
> social distancing, Spanish citizens were asserting their liberty,
> US sheriffs want to uphold the constitution, Canadians and UK
> citizens were protesting, and a second UK journalist in the
> mainstream media dared to voice dissent!  An Italian member of
> parliament called for the arrest of Bill Gates for crimes against
> humanity, and a lawsuit against New York governor Cuomo claims he
> stripped New Yorkers of their constitutional rights.*
> * *The 5G rollout is not going unopposed.  New Hampshire in the US
> **is forming a commission to investigate the health and
> environmental impacts of EMFs and 5G and Joe Imbriano warns that
> the “second wave” threatened for the autumn/fall will involve
> attacks on schools – we all know that 5G has been widely installed
> at schools and elsewhere during the lockdown, and many of us
> suspect that that was one of its main purposes.  It also turns out
> that **AT&T submitted 500+ patents and applications to turn power
> lines into WiFi transmitters, which will leave nowhere to hide, as
> if we did not know that already with upwards of 53K 5G satellites
> planned.*
> * *5G / Coronavirus health aspectscovers a lot of ground: lockdowns
> creating a mental health disaster, a hidden motive for imposing
> the wearing of masks, 5G altering blood cell permeability and *
> <#healthaspects>*amplifying coronavirus/flu-like symptoms,
> technocrats spreading alarm and panic deliberately, how old people
> have clearly been targeted for the population cull, with a UK
> journalist casually commenting that culling old people is good for
> the economy.*
> * *The Newsis largely provided by the UK’s excellent UK Column,
> which is a tiny operation, but they are doing a great job of
> examining how the putsch is being carried out in Britain, which
> provides vital insights into how it is being carried out worldwide.*
> * *The section entitled Programming the public for the NWOhas Prince
> Charles and the hideous, chain-smoking Camilla touting the New
> World Order, and Rosemary Frei explains the * <#NWO>*seven-step
> path from pandemic to totalitarianism, while a bunch of dutiful
> doctors tell us why we have to become vegan, a NWO prescription.*
> * *The section on Resistancediscusses lawful rebellion under the
> collapse of the rule of law and a Manifesto of the Free People’s
> Union, as well as a message to all “those who **ridiculously claim
> that we who want our jobs and lives back don’t care about others.”***
> * *In the Spacesection, just a couple of items, on Musk and NASA.*
> * ***The **Solutions / inspiration **section is ongoing and added to
> with ideas from time to time.  It is very diverse, with ideas from
> maintaining your health to natural law to resistance.* <#solutions>**
> * *The section on Vaccinationsis, of course, jam-packed with
> appalling news on developments, plus some ideas for refusing them
> if they become mandatory, which looks extremely likely, with many
> governments on different continents discussing this.* <#vaccinations>
> * *TheWeapon section has one item on the use of a new directed
> energy weapon by the US navy.* <#WEAPON>**
> * *Appendix 1 has two new examples of Coronavirus symptoms and *
> <#appendix>*Appendix 2consists of an article on the “Biological
> effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell
> tower base stations and other antenna arrays”.* <#APPENDIXTWO>
> */I won’t say “Enjoy”.  It’s more like “Read and weep”!/*
> */Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 01.04.13.png/*
> */Joe Biden: masked Covidiot/*
> **

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